CH222 Basic Organic Chemistry II

Prerequisites: CH 105, CH 106 with a grade of "C" or higher; Students interested in enrolling for CH 222 must have earned a "C" or higher in CH 221 A two-semester course covering the principles of organic chemistry, including the structure, reactions and properties of typical organic compounds. The thermodynamics, kinetics, and stereochemistry of organic reactions are stressed. The spectrometric identification of organic compounds is introduced. The laboratory course covers the synthesis, purification, and analysis of selected organic compounds (class, three hours; laboratory, four hours per week). Offered yearly.




CH105 [minimum grade = C] and CH106 [minimum grade = C] and CH221 [minimum grade = C] or CH105 [transfer credit] and CH106 [transfer credit] and CH221 [transfer credit]


CH222L (LAB)