Academic Warning and Probation

Academic Warning and Probation


Standards for acceptable academic progress at Belmont Abbey College have been established to assist student in assessing the quality of their performance and to ensure the quality of our academic programs. Academic Warning and Academic Probation serve to alert students to potentially serious academic difficulties and as a warning that their academic achievement is falling below an acceptable level and may lead to Dismissal.


Acceptable Academic Progress


Belmont Abbey College students are expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0; students whose cumulative grade point average falls below a 2.0 and in some extreme cases of term grade point average below 2.0 will be placed in one of three status categories below:


Academic Warning – this status serves to alert the student to serious concerns and issues of academic performance. Academic Warning is just that, a “warning” that students must improve their academic performance to ensure further success. Academic Warning will not become part of the student’s official transcript and does not affect eligibility for athletics participation and other college activities. Warning Status is issued the first time a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, and the warning status may only be issued once throughout their academic career at BAC, and only in the first semester of enrollment. A student may only hold the academic warning status for one term, otherwise the student will be moved at a minimum to academic probation status for continued poor performance.


Academic Probation – this status serves to alert the student that their previous poor academic performance has not improved to a cumulative 2.0 or better grade point average. Most often, academic probation status will follow academic warning status in either consecutive or non-consecutive terms of poor academic performance. Academic Probation status will become part of the student’s official transcript. Students on academic probation status will not be eligible for athletics competition and other college activities.


Requirements while on Academic Probation

Students on academic probation status are required to meet the following conditions to increase their potential for academic success:

  • Register for no more than 16 credit hours while on probation;
  • Satisfy all course requirements, including attendance;
  • Meet regularly with his or her academic advisor;
  • Meet regularly with tutors, if appropriate.


All students placed on academic probation status are strongly encouraged to meet with someone at the Center for Student Excellence who will provide them with academic counseling and with resources designed to help them succeed at Belmont Abbey College.



Academic Dismissal/Continuing Students – If, while a student is on academic probation, his or her term grade point average falls below 2.0, and the cumulative grade point average remains below 2.0, the student will be dismissed from Belmont Abbey College. Academic dismissal will become part of the student’s official transcript.


Academic Dismissal/New Students – Any students who have not previously attended Belmont Abbey College with a cumulative and term grade point average below 2.0 may be dismissed at the end of the second semester of attendance. Students with a grade point average below 1.0 may be dismissed at the end of the first semester. Academic dismissal will become part of the student’s official transcript.