B.A. in Economics
To graduate with a degree in Economics majors must have at least a cumulative average of 2.0 in all major coursework. Students must complete the requirements outlined below. Students seeking to double major in Economics and Finance, each major must have a minimum of 24 credit hours distinct or exclusive to each major. Those 24 hours in each major must not count for any other major. It is the student’s responsibility to verify that all degree requirements for graduation are fulfilled.
Curriculum Requirements
The Core Curriculum (49-50 hours)
Please reference the Core Curriculum Requirements
Upper Division Major Program Requirements (12 hours)
EC316 | Intermediate Economics | 3 |
EC317 | Intermediate Microeconomics | 3 |
EC352 | Business Econ & Catholic Social Thought | 3 |
EC408W | Economics Seminar | 3 |
Upper Level Elective Courses (12 hours)
Select Four Elective Courses from:
DS300 | Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
EC305 | Data Analytics for Econ and Finance | 3 |
BU307 | Money and Banking I | 3 |
EC355 | Political Economy I | 3 |
EC400 | History of Economic Thought | 3 |
EC401 | History of American Economic Life | 3 |
BU424 | Govt Economics and Policy Analysis | 3 |
EC440 | International Trade and Finance | 3 |
BU453 | Internship | 3 |
EC490 | Senior Thesis | 3 |
BU310 | Finance I | 3 |
BU311 | Finance II | 3 |
BU335 | Personal Finance and Investments | 3 |
BU411 | Financial Investments | 3 |
BU402 | Labor Economics and Compensat | 3 |
MA201 | Calculus I | 3 |
MA305 | Advanced Statistics | 3 |
Lower Division Major Program Requirements (12 hours)
EC201 | Introductory Macroeconomics | 3 |
EC202 | Introduction Economics II | 3 |
EC210 | Mathematics for Economics & Finance | 3 |
| | |
BU306 | Quantitative Analysis I | 3 |
| Or | |
MA208 | Statistics | 3 |