CJ385 Victimology
Prerequisite: CJ 201; PC 201 recommended
Students will examine the field of Victimology through its various components including: its scope and development as a discipline; review of the problems associated with victimization; the relationship between the victim and the offender; the victim and the criminal justice system; and the victim and society. Victimization will be defined through both traditional crimes and special populations. Students will also discuss various practical applications and policies that have resulted from society’s increasing concern about victims such as Victim Assistance legislation, Restorative Justice, and Therapeutic Jurisprudence. Emphasis is placed on exploring the etiology of trauma, motivational issues of offending, response patterns to victimization, secondary trauma effects of victimization, and community and media response. Offered as needed.
CJ201 [minimum grade = C] or
CJ201 [transfer credit]