
Pre-requisites: PC 201, PC 215W, and PC 300 An introduction to the process of conducting psychological research. Lectures will focus on problems in measurement and operationalization, types of research methodologies,ethical standards for psychological research, and the strengths and limitations of using a scientific approach in psychology. Laboratory work will involve instruction and practice in designing, conducting, analyzing, and reporting on empirical studies of psychological phenomena. Computer competencies in word processing, statistical analysis software, e-mail and presentation software are developed. In addition to required textbooks, students will need to purchase the SPSS Grad Pack Standard software package for their personal computer to use in this class. Required for B.A. and for B.S. in Psychology. Must be taken in sequence before PC 410W/411/412W. Writing intensive. Offered every spring.




PC201 [minimum grade = C] and PC215W [minimum grade = C] and PC300 [minimum grade = C] or PC201 [transfer credit] and PC300 [transfer credit] and PC215W [transfer credit]