Chair: Alessandro Rovati
Professor: David Williams
Associate Professors: Alessandro Rovati, Jane Russell O.S.F., Ronald Thomas
Assistant Professors: Catherine Yanko (Visiting)
Program Mission
Thomas Aquinas describes theology as knowledge that is “taught by God, teaches of God, and leads to God.” It is taught by God because it depends on God’s gracious self-revelation. It teaches of God because it makes us learn more about who God is and about God’s plan for his good creation. It leads to God because it sustains the journey of faith of the Church and its members.
The Theology Department seeks to teach its students to speak truthfully of God and of all things in relation to God by introducing them to the riches of Scripture and of the Church’s living tradition. Becoming schooled in the Catholic theological tradition, students learn habits of mind that empower them to become more rooted in their faith, more aware of reality in all its complexities, and more capable of leading lives that are of service to the Church and society so that “in all things God may be glorified.”
Belmont Abbey College offers a well-rounded education rooted in Catholicism and the Benedictine hallmarks that helps all students reach their fullest potential and be prepared for life’s challenges. The Theology Department gives an essential contribution to the mission of the College by fostering knowledge of divine revelation so that students may grow into people of character who lead fulfilled and virtuous lives. We offer professionalizing degrees that give students the tools necessary to serve the Church and its needs and that enable them to pursue professional careers in a variety of different fields. We foster an engaging community where lasting, personal relationships are formed and where each student is personally mentored. We strive to offer a variety of meaningful courses that can nurture one’s faith, sustain one’s spiritual life, and provide direction for one’s future.