Summer Session Traditional and Abbey Distance Program Students

Belmont Abbey College offers a number of course options in both day and evening classes to accommodate Belmont Abbey College students, as well as others in the community who wish to obtain college credit during the summer. Please see our website for summer school course offerings.

Admission to summer school does not imply or guarantee admission to the academic program during the school year. Students desiring admission to this p should submit the appropriate admission application to the Office of Admissions.

Visiting Students

To ensure transfer of credit, visiting students who are studying at Belmont Abbey should obtain prior approval from the Registrar at their home institution for the courses they intend to take. Students are considered to be “visiting” if they are enrolled at another college or university other than Belmont Abbey College or if they are high school seniors in good academic standing. Belmont Abbey College is not responsible for courses taken without prior approval from the home institution.


Summer School tuition costs $299 per credit hour. No additional fees are assessed for the summer sessions unless students wish to live on campus.

Financial Aid

Full-time students in the Abbey Distance Program are eligible for many types of financial assistance. Students interested in applying for financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Further information regarding financial assistance is available from the Office of Financial Aid (704) 461-7000. Belmont Abbey College also honors most company reimbursement policies; please contact the Student Success Hub at (704) 461-7000 for additional information.


Limited housing is available for residential Belmont Abbey students under the age of 23 attending summer school. After registering for Summer School, students should contact the Residence Life office. Students currently enrolled at Belmont Abbey College who register for six (6) or more credit hours of Summer School will be charged the following housing rates (which are subject to change without notice):

8-week session – $582

Housing is not available to students unless they are enrolled in a minimum of one seated summer class.