PC411W Practicum in Applied Psychology

Prerequisites:  “C” or better in PC 201, PC 307W, PC 407, and at least two other upper-level PC courses, one of which must be selected from PC 404, 320, 325, 340, 330 or 303; for transfer students, at least 12 hours completed at Belmont Abbey College or permission of the instructor; senior status; successful completion of a selective application process including interview with instructor.

Students will participate in a supervised experience dealing with the applications of psychological principles in a mental health or human services setting.  A minimum of 120 hours of supervised work must be completed at the placement site.  Students’ work will be evaluated by both the faculty supervisor and the site supervisor.  Requires a formal paper and oral presentation to a faculty committee documenting the practicum experience and relationships among this experience, assigned readings, and prior course work.  Computer competencies in word processing, e-mail, and presentation software are also developed. Psychology majors may apply in the spring to take PC 411W in lieu of PC 412W.  Students concentrating in Applied Psychology must take PC 411W or PC 453.  Writing intensive. Offered every year, usually in fall.




Instructor permission required from Elliott, Diana or Instructor permission required from Dell'Isola, Richard