Student class attendance is governed by the following policy: all students are expected to attend classes regularly and punctually. Students must understand that they are responsible for the academic consequences of classroom absences.
Students’ grades are based on academic performance, but attendance and participation may also be considered.
Students are accountable to their professors for all work. Professors should provide make-up opportunities for students who are absent with adequate cause. Should a student and teacher disagree as to what constitutes “adequate cause” as it applies to a particular absence, the Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs will resolve the dispute.
The number of absences permitted shall allow students an opportunity to participate in College-sponsored extra-curricular activities. Each professor will prepare an absence policy for each course and distribute it to the students in the class within one (1) week of the beginning of the semester.
Mandatory Roll-Taking
The taking of roll is required in every course at Belmont Abbey College. If a student on a professor's roster is not present during the Drop/Add period, the professor is required to notify the Registrar immediately. If a student misses an entire week of class (both sessions of a Tuesday/Thursday class or all three sessions of a Monday/Wednesday/Friday class), and the professor is not aware of the reason for the student’s absence, the professor must immediately notify the Registrar and the Director of Academic Assistance. Either the Registrar or the Director of Academic Assistance will notify the student’s advisor.