TH371 Theology Of Culture

The "Evangelization of Culture" has become a major theme in recent Catholic Theology, but a thorough theology of culture has been lacking. Culture is the embodiment of the ethos of a people, and the Church proclaims that he Word Made Flesh, Jesus Christ, and his continued embodiment in the Church, must lie at the base of any authentic and life-giving culture. This understanding has been determinative for the course of the West, historically, but must now confront secularism and extend to areas without a Christian foundation. This course aims at understanding culture, Church, and the Incarnation and linkages between them. Readings include encyclicals, documents of the Pontifical Council for Culture, and the works of Josef Pieper, T.S. Eliot, Richard Weaver, Louis Dupre, and Remi Brague, among others.




TH105 [minimum grade = D-] or TH205 [minimum grade = D-] or TH205 [transfer credit] or HO302 [minimum grade = D-]