Minor in Psychology


PC2011 (Introduction to Psychology) and fifteen (15) additional credit hours of Psychology courses, as approved by the department chair. PC201 may also satisfy a core curriculum requirement. Students must earn at least a C- in all courses taken for the minor with a cumulative GPA in the minor of not less than a C average (2.0).The preponderance of the credit hours for the minor must be taken at Belmont Abbey College.

Several courses have prerequisites; please see course descriptions for other details.

PC2PC15W and PC300 (Fall course) are prerequisites for PC307W (Spring course) and for PC407. PC307W is a prerequisite for PC410W, PC411W, and PC412W (senior year). PC407 is a prerequisite for PC411W (senior year).

Although an internship is not required, it is strongly recommended for (and counts as) a PC upper-level elective for the B.A. in Psychology, B.S. in Psychology and the minor in Psychology.

Any course numbered above PC201 is considered an upper-level PC course.

It is the student’s responsibility to see that all degree requirements for graduation are fulfilled.

Curriculum Requirements

Total Required Credits: 15

Minor Program Requirements

Minor in Psychology                                                                18 hours

PC201(Introduction to Psychology) and fifteen (15) additional credit hours of Psychology courses, as approved by the department chair. PC201 may also satisfy a core curriculum requirement.  (***PC201 plus 5 other PC classes.***)

At least two of the following courses must be included in those 15 credits:

PC 301 Developmental Psychology

PC 305 Biological Psychology

PC 306 Cognitive Psychology

PC 308 Theories of Personality

PC 313 Abnormal Psychology

PC 360 Social Psychology

Students must earn at least a C- in all courses taken for the minor with a cumulative GPA in the minor of not less than a C average (2.0).

        The preponderance of the credit hours for the minor must be taken at Belmont Abbey College.

It is the student’s responsibility to see that all degree requirements for graduation are fulfilled.

PC301Developmental Psychology


PC305Biological Psychology


PC306Cognitive Psychology


PC308Theories of Personality


PC313Abnormal Psychology


PC360Social Psychology