Academic Dismissal

Academic Dismissal/Continuing Students – If, while a student is on academic probation, his or her term grade point average falls below 2.0, and the cumulative grade point average remains below 2.0, the student will be dismissed from Belmont Abbey College. Academic dismissal will become part of the student’s official transcript.


Academic Dismissal/New Students – Any students who have not previously attended Belmont Abbey College with a cumulative and term grade point average below 2.0 may be dismissed at the end of the second semester of attendance. Students with a grade point average below 1.0 may be dismissed at the end of the first semester. Academic dismissal will become part of the student’s official transcript. 



Term GPA of 2.0 Cumulative GPA of 2.0 Action First Semester Students Only 
Yes Yes Good Standing  Good Standing
No Yes Good Standing Good Standing
Yes No Continue on Probation  Warning Issued
No No Academic Dismissal  Warning Issued in first term; probation in second term; academic Dismissal at the end of term 3




Students may appeal any status category. A student who wishes to appeal may submit a written appeal to the Office of Academic Affairs/Provost’s Office. The Provost will convene the Academic Standing Committee at the conclusion of each semester to review appeals of status. The student will receive written notification of the committee’s decision in a timely manner; all decisions of the committee are final and may not be appealed further. If the status appeal is accepted, the previous tiered status will be applied (i.e., dismissal to probation, probation to warning) and the student will be informed of any special conditions of the new status. Students reinstated from dismissal by appeal may not, if dismissed again in subsequent semesters, submit any further appeals for re-admission. 


Requirements for Readmission Following Academic Dismissal

Students who have been academically dismissed for the first time must complete the equivalent of one full-time semester (a total of 12 credit hours) of satisfactory academic work at an accredited college or university in order to be considered for re-admission.  Students may fulfill their obligation to complete 12 hours in whole or in part through summer term classes at the Abbey. In such a case, if there are insufficient courses available to earn 12 hours in summer term, he or she must complete the remainder of 12 hours at another accredited institution before being eligible to apply for readmission.  Students returning to Belmont Abbey College after a dismissal must request re-admission through the Registrar’s Office and will automatically be placed on probation during their first semester after re-admission.  Students returning to the College following an Academic Dismissal must meet regularly with a staff member from the Center for Student Success.   Students who have been dismissed for the second time must complete the equivalent of two full-time semesters (a total of 24 credit hours) of satisfactory work at an accredited college or university in order to be considered for re-admission.  All twenty-four credit hours must be taken off campus and may not be taken through the Belmont Abbey summer program. Students returning to Belmont Abbey College after a second dismissal must request re-admission through the Registrar’s Office and will automatically be placed on probation during their first semester after readmission.