The student’s course schedule for registration must be worked out with his or her academic advisor. Any subsequent changes (e.g., the dropping or adding of any course, or withdrawal from a course after the Drop/Add period) should be approved by the advisor.
Course Schedule
The normal semester course schedule is 15 to 18 credits. Anyone taking more than this number requires the permission of the Chief Academic Officer or the Registrar. A student taking more than 18 credits will be charged per credit hour for all credits over 18.
Permission To Take Courses Elsewhere
With the exception of an elective course, Belmont Abbey College does not ordinarily allow students to take courses elsewhere after matriculation. Degree-seeking students in good standing at Belmont Abbey College who wish to take courses at another institution for the purpose of transferring those credits toward their degree at Belmont Abbey must consult with the Registrar, and with their academic advisor before registering for such courses (credit hours, not grade points, are transferable). The only courses that will be transferred post-matriculation are courses approved prior to taking them by the Registrar. Forms to request approval may be found on self-service.
Dropping/Adding a class
At the beginning of each semester during the Drop/Add period students may drop a course without a grade on Self-Service or with the assistance of the Registrar’s Office by providing a request in writing via email or in person. Students may voluntarily withdraw from a course and receive a grade of “W” up to the date indicated on the College calendar for the academic session in progress. No student may withdraw from a course after that date.
Full time and part-time residential students may add a class through the last day of the Drop/Add.
A student in the Abbey Distance Program may add a class up until the second night of each eight-week session. Students enrolled in a 16-week session (with class meeting one night per week) may or drop classes according to the drop/add schedule outlined above.
All students who receive approval to drop or add classes should meet with their academic advisor. Students may drop or add a class on Self Service, by emailing the Registrar’s office and copying their advisor, or by filling out a Drop/Add form and handing the form in at the Registrar’s Office.
The Registrar’s Office will then notify the Financial Aid and Business Offices of the changes. If the Drop/Add change creates an additional charge, that charge must be paid before the student is permitted to attend class. If the Drop/Add results in a change to a student’s financial aid, the Financial Aid Office will notify the student in writing. Students are responsible for tuition fees related to the portion of the class they attended, even if they later withdraw from the course. Because it is the responsibility of each student receiving aid to educate themselves on the balance they will owe for a course prior to withdrawing from a class, they are strongly encouraged to ask the Financial Aid Office how the Drop/Add will affect their financial aid before making the change.
Pass/Fail Credits
Among courses chosen as electives, the student may take one course each semester on a Pass/Fail basis; i.e., although subject to all course requirements, the student’s grade will be either a Pass (P) or a Fail (F). The student’s academic advisor must give notice of the student’s intent to take a course on a Pass/Fail basis to the Registrar by the end of the Drop/Add period. No changes are permitted after this time.
Auditing Courses
Auditing courses will be permitted only upon the presentation of a written request that has been signed by the instructor and the student. The student will not be given a grade or receive credit for an audited course, but must follow the regular requirements for registration and class attendance.
Auditing fees are $270.00 for each undergraduate course; however, traditional students who are charged flat rate tuition are not charged for classes they audit. After the Drop/Add period, credit registrations may not be changed to audit, and audit registrations may not be changed to credit. The auditing fee becomes non-refundable after the beginning of the class session.