BI422 Molecular Biology

Prerequisites: BI 101, BI 201, BI 300, CH 105 A study of the structure and function of macromolecules that are essential to the cell, with particular emphasis on proteins and nucleic acids. Discussion will include an examination of metabolic pathways and their coordination, cell signaling, specific organelle functions, and integration of cellular activities. (Lecture, three hour; laboratory, three hours per week). Offered in alternate years.




BI101 [minimum grade = C-] and BI201 [minimum grade = C-] and BI300 [minimum grade = C-] and CH105 [minimum grade = C-] or BI101 [transfer credit] and BI201 [transfer credit] and BI300 [transfer credit] and CH105 [transfer credit]


BI422 (LAB) and BI422 (LECT) and BI422L (LAB)