CJ403 Ethics in Criminal Justice Systems

Prerequisites: CJ 201; CJ 300; CJ304; CJ360; CJ 414; Senior status or permission of the instructor. Previously listed as Ethics in Law Enforcement, this course addresses the ethical dilemmas faced by criminal justice practitioners in law enforcement, courts, and corrections, and discusses whether the resolutions of those dilemmas ought to be different from the solutions sought for similar problems in general society. Offered annually.




CJ201 [minimum grade = D-] or CJ201 [transfer credit] and CJ300 [minimum grade = D-] or CJ300 [transfer credit] and CJ304 [minimum grade = D-] or CJ304 [transfer credit] and CJ360 [minimum grade = D-] or CJ360 [transfer credit] and CJ314 [minimum grade = D-]