HI375 Africa since 1400

This introductory course surveys major movements and historical problems in the development of the civilizations of Africa from pre-colonial times to the twenty-first century. The story of independent African kingdoms and empires will be emphasized and the impact of Islam will receive attention. Changes since 1500 will be considered against the backdrop of challenges from abroad—including European colonialism, westernization, and above all, the Atlantic slave trade—but it is the initiatives and responses of Africans and the evolution of African institutions which will occupy center stage. The course also will attempt to relate recent events in Africa, particularly those affecting economic development and the environment, to the historical past to underscore important problems facing Africa and the world in the twenty-first century. The ultimate objectives are to broaden the understanding of the African continent and its peoples, and, from this, to inculcate an appreciation for the richness of African history and cultures.
